Web app, front-end developed by myself as a part of a startup creating a solution for AI generative music, using React+ReactFlow+TypeScript+styled components. Hosted on Vercel.
A full-stack solution for a recruitment system for an amusement park. Lead development on both back-end and front-end, using React+TypeScript+styled components on the front-end and Node.js+Express+PostgreSQL on the back-end. Hosted on Heroku.
Course project in KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Web app for a music beat creation tool. Most of front-end developed by myself using React, TypeScript and styled-components. Hosted and stored on Google Firebase, of which I did some of the work.
Tower-Defense mobile game developed in Unity3D by myself in 2017 and launched on Google PlayStore.
Endless Runner mobile game developed in Unity3D by myself in 2020, though never launched.
Resource-gathering & adventure mobile game developed in Unity3D by myself in 2021, though never launched.